Mar 19Liked by Tracy Beanz

I feel the presence of God the most powerfully when I'm alone in nature. I witnessed the solar eclipse in 2017 and I was brought to tears. I will be seeing next eclipse in Indiana next month. I highly recommend every one to see it if you can.

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Mar 21Liked by Tracy Beanz

Thank you for sharing this! I can echo all that you were feeling. I too, felt and continue to fend off the anger tearing at me. The decline of our country, Covid lies, vaccine lies, government conspiring against US citizens, J6 etc…has been so disheartening, but keeping perspective through Biblical worldview/endgame, is my only hope. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the corruption.

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Mar 20Liked by Tracy Beanz

Your words resonate with me...especially the feeling nothing part, no joy etc... and I have a wonderful life and family..so I've been wondering how DID I get here? Nature does makes me feel closer to God so I've been focusing on getting out in nature more, more face to face interactions with family and friends, reading my bible...and a lot less social media. I'm picking and choosing more deliberately what SM I'll look at and limiting my time on it. Looking forward to your posts though, thanks for choosing to share your thoughts with us.

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Mar 19Liked by Tracy Beanz

Listening and watching these past few years, it became clear the fenders , bumpers, and hubcaps were coming off the vehicle of life. Happy to see the vehicle is "in the shop" for a major refit. Can't wait to see & hear the new you back on the track and to absorb the knowledge, insight, and positive passion that was there before. Bless

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Mar 19Liked by Tracy Beanz

I found that you were going through some real things in the background of Side of Beanz, the regular show and one of the only people I notifications on Twitter. I understand completely, looking lately into my family's original religion, Syrian Orthodox. I feel sometimes I don't know which way I'm going. God bless you Tracy Beanz, you're an inspiration!

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Mar 19Liked by Tracy Beanz

In my experience, moments of great clarity have been birthed by great personal crisis. Welcome to this new chapter of your life. Thanks for all you've done to date. I've learned a great deal from your past writings. Wishing you great joy and love in the time ahead. I hope to follow along.

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Mar 19Liked by Tracy Beanz

FWIW I discovered author Josef Pieper a few months ago; book was “Leisure: The Basis of Culture.” Reading it was like how u feel on a jet taking off, where increasing vibration, noise, & drama suddenly give way to calm, quiet, & a different world. Might/might not be worth checking out. Peace.

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Thank you for this. I’ll take this journey with you because none of us who feel this way should walk alone.

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Tracy, I just recently discovered your work through Twitter and began following you. I'm thankful for all the hard work you've done, but I'm even more thankful that you are learning life/work balance so you can endure and not burn out.

My wife and I are both struggling with the ups and downs of life, but we're thankful that we have each other and the Lord to lean on. I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences. Thank you for making yourself vulnerable so you can be a witness. God's blessings upon you and your family.

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